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菲亚特动力科技拿下超大展台 展秀最新研发成果

信息来源   时间: 2012-11-29  浏览次数:1366

    菲亚特动力科技(FPT Industrial)以225平方米的大型展位,再次亮相第12届中国(上海)国际动力设备及发电机组展览会(GPOWER2013),全面展示5大发动机系列产品。
    FPT Industrial will appear again at the 12th China (Shanghai) International Power and Generating Sets Exhibition (GPOWER2013) with a 225sq.m large booth, and will fully display five engine series products

    菲亚特动力科技(FPT Industrial)是菲亚特工业集团旗下子公司,专注于道路及非道路用车辆、船舶和发电机组使用的动力总成的设计、生产和销售。公司在全球范围内拥有8,000名员工、10家工厂以及6个研发中心。销售网络覆盖100多个国家,包括100家经销商和超过1,300家服务站。在中国的投资包括位于上海的管理公司,以及1家合资企业。丰富的产品线(5个发动机系列提供37到640kW动力以及扭矩在300到500Nm的变速箱)和对研发的专注和投入使得菲亚特动力科技(FPT)成为全球工业动力总成的领导者。
    FPT Industrial is a company of FIAT Industrial dedicated to the design, production and sale of powertrains for on/off-road vehicle, marine and power generation applications. The company employs approx. 8,000 persons worldwide, in 10 plants and 6 R&D centers. The FPT Industrial's sales network consists of 100 dealers and over 1,300 service centers in about 100 countries. A wide range of products (5 engine ranges from 37 up to 640 kW, and transmissions with maximum torque from 300 up to 500 Nm) and a close focus on R&D activities, make FPT Industrial a world leader in industrial powertrains.
